
Mangold International Logo Mangold Vision
De ideale oplossing voor het gestructureerd testen voor wetenschaps- en onderzoeksdoeleinden

Eye-tracking geeft een uniek inzicht in de menselijke visuele herkenning dat niet met eenvoudige observatie kan worden ontdekt. Presenteer dezelfde media (foto's / films / websites) om proefpersonen gestructureerd te testen en evalueer de gegevens vervolgens statistisch met een Area-of-Interest analyse. Maak indrukwekkende visualisaties, zoals Gaze Replay grafieken en video's, Focus Maps of Maps Heat.

MangoldVision ondersteunt u professioneel in uw eye tracking studies en registreert de staarpatronen en het gedrag van uw proefpersonen.


Ontwerp uw project moeiteloos met Drag&Drop in MangoldVision.

Eye-tracking test

MangoldVision stuurt uw project automatisch aan en begeleidt uw proefpersonen door middel van de eye-tracking studies.

Analyses & visualizatie

MangoldVision analyseert en visualiseert uw eye-tracking gegevens op een betrouwbare en professionele manier.

  • Gaze Plot
  • Gives an excellent insight into the viewing behavior and gaze patterns of your participants. See how they have explored your visuals.

  • Focus Map
  • A real aha experience for every researcher, designer or developer! See what your test subjects really have seen and what they did not look at.

  • Heat Map
  • Shows at a glance the "high energy" areas of a stimulus to which your participants were focusing.

  • Areas of Interest
  • Simply define parts of a picture or a video for which you wish to get statistical results. MangoldVision will automatically calculate various key indicators relating to the eye movements of your test subjects.

  • AOI Gaze Pattern
  • The Gaze Pattern Chart gives a very good impression of which specific areas-of-interest the participants have seen in which order.

  • Physiological Measurements
  • See physiological measurements in combination with the recorded data to get more insight into the real experience of your participants.

  • Statistical Results
  • Statistical results are calculated from the gaze data at the push of a button. This makes it easy for you to interpret data, prepare reports and compare studies.

  • Export and Visualization
  • MangoldVision offers various data export possibilities and amazing chart options.